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British Aikido Board

The National Governing Body for Aikido in the United Kingdom.
Aikido is a martial art founded by Morihei Ueshiba, that focuses on harmonising with your opponent, it can be practised as a sport, self defence and an art using hand to hand and japanese weapons.

Welcome to the British Aikido Board

The British Aikido Board seeks to:-

  • Represent the majority of bona fide organisations practicing aikido in the United Kingdom.
  • Support, encourage and promote the highest standards of aikido within an environment of mutual respect for offering styles practiced.
  • Raise awareness of the value of aikido not only as a contributor towards healthy living, but also in the development of adults, young people and children, without regard to race, gender or creed.

The British Aikido Board operates primarily through its member Associations. There are 48 currently Full Member Associations with 1 Associate and Probationary Member Associations of regional and national status, who each retain their independence, both technically and financially, with a combined membership of some 5,000 , which includes 1251 instructors holding current Coaching Awards.

The Board is recognised by Sport England , as the only governing body for aikido in the United Kingdom and is a member of the Sport and Recreation Alliance.


The Board seeks to further the advancement of all styles of aikido and to establish and monitor standards of safety and behaviour for practitioners of aikido.

The Board advises member Associations on all relevant UK and European legislation and procedures and develops appropriate policies and codes of practice.

Other services provided include:-
•  Insurance cover, for members, instructors and Associations.
•  Promotion of a Nationally recognised Coaching Scheme in conjunction with UK Coaching / Sport England.
•  Organising a National Courses.
•  Supporting initiatives to encourage the teaching of Aikido in schools.
•  Publishing Newsletters and specialist information bulletins eg. Safeguarding and Coaching.

The Board has completed a number of initiatives, arising from the work of their major Governance Audit and through the adoption of a wide range of recommendations, contained in their Aikido Development Plan will support their key objective of encouraging all Aikido groups to join together under this “Aikido umbrella”.

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  • Entering Amazon from here before you purchase ensures the BAB is supported by Amazon.

  • Entering Amazon from here before you purchase ensures the BAB is supported by Amazon.

  • Entering Amazon from here before you purchase ensures the BAB is supported by Amazon.

  • Entering Amazon from here before you purchase ensures the BAB is supported by Amazon.

British Aikido Board

The National Governing Body for Aikido in the United Kingdom.
Aikido is a martial art founded by Morihei Ueshiba, that focuses on harmonising with your opponent, it can be practiced as a sport, self defence and an art using hand to hand and japanese weapons.

Return to the dojo documentation

We have received confirmation from the DCMS that our combat sport framework action plan for British Aikido Board Members has been approved and has been placed on the government website.
Contact combat sports including Members of the British Aikido Board should only allow activities within the applicable phase(s) to take place.

Note : Although the following documentation is written specifically for BAB Members,  the advice and Covid-19 training principles and requirements contained therein may be used and applied by any and all non-affiliated Aikido Associations in England. For non-affiliated organisations any references to specific BAB membership/insurance requirements may be ignored .

Note from the BAB Insurance Liaison Officer

The BAB has training insurance in place covering civil liability and personal accident for Associations, Clubs, Instructors and Students.  This insurance is operative on the understanding that DCMS Covid-19 sport training guidance is being followed.  It does not, however, cover claims resulting from Covid-19 infection as a result of such training.   Associations, Clubs and individuals are also reminded that cover is dependant upon individuals and clubs being registered as in membership of the BAB vide the monthly membership returns.  So if you intend returning to training in April please ensure you are listed on your Association’s membership return for that month – or a subsequent month if returning later.

Note from the BAB Covid-19 Officer and BAB Equity Officer

The BAB recognises that the COVID-19 vaccine is not currently a mandatory or statutory requirement and that individuals have the right to refuse. Further to this the BAB, Associations & Clubs have a duty of care to encourage and support safe practice, participation, coaching at all levels. One key element in achieving this is the development of robust club level risk assessments that recognise the additional challenges introduced by COVID-19.

At this stage the BAB considers that there is a moral obligation for individuals to inform Club Leaders and or Associations that they have not been vaccinated. The reason for non-vaccination is not required and the means of communicating the information in a sensitive and confidential manner are for Associations and or Clubs to determine. This information must only be utilised by Associations and or Clubs to update, amend, improve risk assessments and associated controls to further reduce the risk of infection for the benefit of their participants.

The Club Leaders overarching responsibility is their duty of care for the safety of the aikidoka on their mats. We believe this “duty of care” responsibility in this case is the overarching factor.

Until there is clear guidance from government with regard to the controversial issue of “vaccine passports” etc. , the BAB cannot state categorically what are the correct actions to take. It is therefore down to the Club Leaders decision to take the actions that best satisfies their duty of care to their students.

You could get people to train in bubbles, by age, vaccine etc. , or you could arrange for separate training times. Ultimately it is the Club Leaders responsibility to risk assess and take the appropriate action that is right for their club.

Please find documentation from Sport England regarding the current situation regarding vaccine requirements and deputy of care 


List of available documents in pdf format

Return to the dojo

Supplement 37 to the Coronavirus Guidance – England

The BAB has been advised that we have moved to Plan B of the Autumn / Winter Plan. Please read further details below. This is the current general information. Full Contact Aikido is acceptable for Adults and Juniors. There is no limit on class size or who you can train with. The use of…

Supplement 36 to the Coronavirus Guidance – Scotland.

Supplement 36 to the Coronavirus Guidance  - Scotland  On Tuesday 3 August the First Minister confirmed that the whole of Scotland will move beyond level 0 from Monday 9 August, although the First Minister stressed this did not mean a return to life exactly as it was pre-pandemic with a number of mitigating measures remaining.…

Supplement 35 to the Coronavirus Guidance – Wales Only Guidance

Supplement 35 applicable to Wales Only The BAB Covid-19 Officer for Wales advised the following. Following the First Minister's announcement from Saturday 7th August 2021 Wales will move to full Alert Level 0. This means that most current legal restrictions will move into guidance, there remain some specific legal protections listed below: • Everyone must…

Supplement 34 to the Coronavirus Guidance – Wales Only Guidance

Supplement 34 applicable to Wales Only The BAB Covid-19 Officer for Wales advised the following. Update from Wales  in response to the first minister’s announcement this afternoon (14/7/21): As many of you will be aware the BAB have given the go ahead for dojos and practitioners in England to resume full contact training as of…

Supplement 33 to the Coronavirus Guidance – England

The BAB was involved in a online meeting with Sport England at 12:30 pm 13th July 2021 advising the latest information prior to the government guidance and Sport England FAQs being published later this week, hopefully before the 19th July 2021. Information Received from Sport England. Full Contact Aikido can resume for both Adults and…

Supplement 32 to the Coronavirus Guidance – England

The BAB contacted Sport England and the DCMS on the 6th July 2021 to request the latest information. Information Received from Sport England. We are still in the position that’s on our website - we are continuing to work with DCMS to understand what the Step 4 changes mean specifically for sport and physical activity.…

Supplement 31 to the Coronavirus Guidance – Scotland.

Supplement 31 to the Coronavirus Guidance  - Scotland  Following the First Ministers statement on June 22 we have been working with Scottish Government to clarify specific details in relation to all remaining local authorities  moving to Level 0  on July 19; this will be confirmed on or around July 13. From July 19 the key…

Supplement 30 to the Coronavirus Guidance – England

The BAB joined a video meeting with Sport England & the DCMS again on the 6th May 2021 Information Received. Although the country will move to Step 3 on the 17th of May 2021, the combat sport framework will basically remain as it is with the following small changes. The Sport Combat Group has asked…

Supplement 29 to the Coronavirus Guidance – Scotland.

Supplement 29 to the Coronavirus Guidance  - Scotland  This guidance basically states you can practise Aikido indoors socially distanced for Adults if you live in Level 1,2 ,3 areas. Under 18s are permitted Contacted Aikido in Level 1,2,3  Areas The number of participants allowed to take part in organised indoor sport or physical activity should…

Supplement 27 to the Coronavirus Guidance – Wales Only Guidance

Supplement 27 applicable to Wales Only The BAB Covid-19 Officer for Wales advised the following. The Welsh Government have issued a written statement, and there is a improving coronavirus situation in Wales dates for the return of sport have been brought forward. As we understand • Outdoor Group activity for up to 30 adults can…

Return to the Dojo Status

Return to the Dojo Status We have received confirmation from the DCMS that our combat sport framework action plan for British Aikido Board Members (Return to the dojo) has been approved and has been placed on the government website Contact combat sports including Members of the British Aikido Board should only allow activities within the…

Return to the Dojo Documentation

Return to the Dojo - Documentation We have received confirmation from the DCMS that our combat sport framework action plan for British Aikido Board Members (Return to the dojo) has been approved and has been placed on the government website. Please note that this advice is for the British Aikido Board  and affiliates in England…

Supplement 26 to the Coronavirus Guidance – Scotland.

Supplement 26 to the Coronavirus Guidance  - Scotland  Currently, the BAB cannot recommend that Scottish Aikido clubs open indoors, But outside up to 15 Adults can NOW train socially distanced, Adults Socially Distance Aikido indoors should be able to return after 15th May 2021. This link shows revised information from the road map issued…

Supplement 25 to the Coronavirus Guidance All UK

From the BAB Insurance Liaison Officer To all BAB Member Associations, Clubs and individuals Re: Aikido Training Insurance in respect of the revised Sport England Covid-19 guidance, as published by the BAB Webmaster on 25 March 2021 The BAB has training insurance in place covering civil liability and personal accident for Associations, Clubs, Instructors and…

Supplement 24 to the Coronavirus Guidance – England

Latest information as of Monday 24th March 2021 (Revised Ventilation Information 26th March 2021) Revised by a Sport England email received evening of 24th of March 2021 The BAB joined a video meeting with Sport England & the DCMS today. Information Received. 1. Our Return to the Dojo submission hopefully will be back with us…

Supplement 23 to the Coronavirus Guidance – England – Information from Sport England

Latest information as of Monday 19th March 2021 There is a meeting of the Return to Play Combat Sport Group on the 24th March 2021 where we hope to be given more information on our path back to Aikido in England. I will report here any updated information. Steve Billett BAB Covid-19 Officer  

Supplement 22 to the Coronavirus Guidance – Scotland.

Supplement 22 to the Coronavirus Guidance  - Scotland  Scottish Government has also now published a new Coronavirus (COVID-19): timetable for easing restrictions document. The key indicative dates most relevant to the sport sector are: 2 April  Stay local            Stay at home measures become stay local – people can travel within…

Supplement 21 to the Coronavirus Guidance – Scotland.

Supplement 21 to the Coronavirus Guidance  - Scotland  The First Minister today provided an update to the Scottish Parliament on COVID-19 and related restrictions. The statement sets out key changes to permitted outdoor sport and exercise that will come into effect from Friday 12th March. The First Minister also noted that she will set out…

Supplement 20 to the Coronavirus Guidance – England – Information from Sport England

Latest information as of Monday 8th March 2021  Aikido Classes ( Including Under 18's) Currently Indoor and Outdoor group exercise classes like Aikido STILL CANNOT take place. Quote: Steve Billett has been in constant touch with SportEngland and the DCMS concerning our ‘Return to the Dojo’ submittal. We have been advised that currently the Combat Sport…

Supplement 19 to the Coronavirus Guidance – England – Roadmap out of lockdown

Aikido Classes ( Including Under 18's) Currently Indoor and Outdoor group exercise classes like Aikido STILL CANNOT take place. The Government have advised the following which means that Aikido classes are currently still closed. Although from the 29th March we MAY be able to train in groups of 6 outside. We are contacting Sport England…

Supplement 18 to the Coronavirus Guidance – Scotland.

Supplement 18 to the Coronavirus Guidance  - Scotland  Guidance on the new stay at home regulations that came into effect on 5 January 2021. Stay at Home To minimise the risk of spreading the virus, you must stay at home as much as possible.  By law, in a level 4 area, you can only leave…

Supplement 17 to the Coronavirus Guidance – England – 4th January 2021 Tier 5 (National Lockdown)

Tier 5 National Lockdown (England) Aikido Classes ( Including Under 18's) Sport can't take place indoors under any circumstances, with gyms and swimming pools having to close. Indoor and Outdoor group exercise classes like Aikido CANNOT take place.  

Supplement 16 to the Coronavirus Guidance – England – 20th December 2020 Tier 4

Tier 4 Adult Aikido Classes Adult sport can't take place indoors under any circumstances, with gyms and swimming pools having to close. Indoor group exercise classes like Aikido CANNOT take place Under 18 Aikido Indoor sport is only allowed for under-18s for educational purposes or to facilitate childcare that enables parents or carers to work, seek…

Supplement 15 to the Coronavirus Guidance – England – 16th December 2020 Tier 3 Clarification

Tier 3 Adult Aikido Classes Although Gyms and sports facilities can continue to stay open for individual exercise or exercise among a household. Indoor group exercise classes like Aikido CANNOT take place Under 18 Aikido Classes socially distanced can continue, use training pods of 15, But within the 15 split the pod into 6 or…

Supplement 14 to the Coronavirus Guidance – England – December 2020 Return to Contact Aikido Update

Supplement 14 to the Coronavirus Guidance - England - December 2020 Return to Contact Aikido Update We have finally received information concerning the Combat Sport Framework that the BAB is part of which includes Judo, Karate,Taekwondo plus others which will allow us to return to normal training. Read the government information here,  Contact Combat Sport…

Revised Supplement 13 to the Coronavirus Guidance – England – December 2020 New 3 Tier System Clarification

Revised Supplement 13 to the Coronavirus Guidance - England Dec 2020 3 Tier System Clarification BAB Comment We are currently unsure of the new requirements of the December 2020 version of the 3 Tiers in England and are awaiting guidance from Sport England. We will update and advise as soon as we know.   This is…

Supplement 12 to the Coronavirus Guidance – Wales Only Guidance

Supplement 12 applicable to Wales Only  The BAB Covid-19 for Wales advised the following. Following the lifting of the National Firebreak in Wales, Indoor Sports/Leisure activities have been allowed to resume from Monday 9th November 2020.  In order to comply to the new Welsh Government Covid - 19 regulations  they have implemented some changes which…

Coronavirus Guidance – All UK COVID Officer training Video

Coronavirus Guidance - ALL UK - COVID OFFICER TRAINING VIDEO Although this has been issued by Sport Scotland, please watch the training video for COVID Officers even if you are not teaching in scotland. It is the responsibility of each club committee, sports facility operator and/or deliverer to appoint a responsible person/s, referred to as…

Supplement 11 to the Coronavirus Guidance – All UK

Supplement 11 to the Coronavirus Guidance - ALL UK England Based upon the latest government statements at this time 2nd November 2020,  Unfortunately the BAB can only advise that Aikido Classes in England must follow the rules and close on Wednesday 4th November 2020 . Quote for the government website: To reduce social contact, the…

Supplement 10 to the Coronavirus Guidance – Wales Only Guidance

Supplement 10 applicable to Wales Only  The BAB Covid-19 for Wales advised the following. The BAB received an email from  the Welsh Sports Association outlining the Welsh First Minister's bullets points on the Welsh National Lockdown ('fire break') commencing on Friday 23rd October at 6pm until the 9th November.  Therefore, all Welsh Aikido clubs and…

Supplement 9 to the Coronavirus Guidance – England – Clarification 3 Tier System

Supplement 9 to the Coronavirus Guidance - England Clarification 3 Tier System  BAB Comments Latest government guidance from the Sport England website Every part of England is now in one of three Covid-19 alert levels: Tier 1 (medium), Tier 2 (high) and Tier 3 (very high). Here’s a summary of what this means for…

Supplement 8 to the Coronavirus Guidance – Northern Ireland

Supplement 8 to the Coronavirus Guidance - Northern Ireland  From Friday 16th October 2020, no indoor sport or organised contact sport involving mixing of households will take place, other than at elite level. The restrictions will be in place for four weeks. We therefore advise that BAB run Aikido Clubs should no longer run.  

Supplement 7 to the Coronavirus Guidance – England – 3 Tier System

Supplement 7 to the Coronavirus Guidance - England 3 Tier System (revised 22:08 14th October) On 12 October the Prime Minister announced a new system of COVID-19 restrictions to replace the existing local lockdown measures in individual areas. Under the new scheme, local areas will be placed in one of three tiers; Tier 1 (Medium),…

Supplement 6 to the Coronavirus Guidance – Scotland (Revised 9th Oct) .

Supplement 6 to the Coronavirus Guidance  - Scotland ( revised 9th October 2020) Scotland is gearing up for strict lockdown measures coming into force 8th October 2020 with rules around exercise have changed. Central belt area focusing on five health board areas (Ayrshire & Arran; Forth Valley; Greater Glasgow & Clyde; Lanarkshire; Lothian): No group…

Supplement 5 to the Coronavirus Guidance – NHS QR Code for Track and Trace App

Supplement 5 to the Coronavirus Guidance - NHS QR Code for Track and Trace App It is recommended that each club creates a QR Code for your own Aikido Venue and ask your members to check-in at each training session, This is over and above the track and trace process advised in the BAB Coronavirus…

Coronavirus Guidance – Update 23rd September 2020

Coronavirus Guidance  - Update 23rd September 2020 - REVISED 16:36 Thursday 24th September 2020 The latest information the BAB currently has is from emails received from Sport England to the Recreational Combat Martial Arts Group that we are a part of: Individual indoor sports can continue but must follow the indoor facility guidance (100sqft per person)…

Supplement 4 to the Coronavirus Guidance – Wales Only Guidance

Supplement 4 applicable to Wales Only  The BAB attended a Sport Wales Covid-19 Meeting and the follows notes are added here to remind our BAB Memebers training in Wales. There was a reminder that members should not cross local lockdown borders for training. Members should check their COVID assessment procedures to ensure it reflects recent…

Coronavirus Guidance – Update 10th September 2020 – Revised 11th Sept for clarity

Coronavirus Guidance  - Update 10th September 2020  We have received the following information from the Sport and Recreation Alliance Following the recent announcement from government on reduction of group sizes in social circles, the Sport and Recreation Alliance has been in direct contact with colleagues at Sport England, UK Sport and DCMS to clarify the…

Supplement 3 to the Coronavirus Guidance – Infra-red Thermometers

Supplement 3 to the Coronavirus Guidance  - False information concerning the use of Infra-red Thermometers It has been suggested on the internet that the use of Infra-red Thermometers is dangerous and as the BAB has recommended there use in our guidance document we have commissioned Dr Kevin Broad a Neuroscientist to comment on their use. …

Supplement 2 to the Coronavirus Guidance – Scotland.

Supplement 2 to the Coronavirus Guidance  - Scotland It is worth noting that schools return without social distancing in september and Scotland has set a date of 14th September for the return to contact sport (see p10 of this document). This seems to be different to the rest of the U.K. Even with this…

Supplement 1 to the Coronavirus Guidance – Mat Area.

Supplement 1 to the Coronavirus Guidance  - Mat Area Pods A pod is a group of people who are training together including the coach, also spectators, parents, carers; if they are in the dojo and within 2 meters of the training area should be considered part of the pod maximum number. Individuals must only be…

COVID-19 Files for use.

We have made available the forms that you need to complete in word format and separated the other files into smaller pdf's in case you wish to send only a few to your members BAB Document and Image Download Area Please ensure you are using the latest release of Adobe Acrobat to view Portable Document…

Return to (Social Distance) Aikido as of 15th August 2020

To All Members, Clubs, Associations We all know this is an extraordinary time in history. In one of the oldest democracy's in the world the government has restricted our right to travel, to go to work, to exercise, to enjoy various forms of entertainment, to even meet our family members and loved ones. If you…

Coronavirus Update for Aikidoka 31st July 2020

To: All BAB Members Following the Government announcement of the re-opening of Sports Centres, in England, on 25th July, and initial advice that non contact training could then be resumed, Guidelines were finalised to support the re-opening of BAB Clubs. Unfortunately, however, at the last minute the Sport England Contact Sport Group, which is made…

Coronavirus Update for Aikidoka 16th July 2020

To: All BAB Members I am sure we have all welcomed the government announcement of the re-opening of sports centres etc and the suggestion that contact sports might resume. However, following Sport England clarification, I have regrettably to confirm that the only contact sports being considered at this time are team sports, not general training…

Coronavirus Update for Aikidoka 8th July 2020

To: All BAB Members Cov-id 19 I know members will be frustrated that, whilst many other sports are resuming training there is no such opportunity for Aikidoka. Also we see different standards required in other parts of the world with Holland allowing full contact and Japan also allowing full contact but with participants wearing masks.…

Coronavirus Update for Aikidoka 28th May 2020

Coronavirus Update for Aikidoka Recent Government announcements have indicated a move towards allowing elite sports, including contact sports, to resume training under strict protocols, which include the medical supervision of sessions. Whilst it is encouraging that such guidelines are being implemented through National Governing Bodies, as yet there is nothing to suggest moving towards the…

News from the BAB Chairman May 2020

News from the BAB Chairman May 2020         1. Coronavirus.Well we have seen the first signs of life for sport in the UK following the Governments easing of restrictions on a range of outdoor activities, albeit with safe distancing and limitation on numbers etc . However as at present there is no…

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