Moriteru Ueshiba was born in 1951 and is the grandson of the founder of Aikido (Morihei Ueshiba) and the son of the second Doshu (Kissomaru Ueshiba).
Moriteru Ueshiba graduated from university in 1976 and became master of the Aikido World Headquarters in 1986. In 1996 he was named chairman of the Aikikai Foundation, and in 1999 he became Aikido Doshu
following the passing of his father. He holds several important posts related to martial arts including being a trustee of the Nippon Budokan.
As Doshu, he travels extensively throughout the world conducting Aikido seminars and celebrations. Despite his demanding commitments Doshu regularly teaches the 6.30 a.m. class at Hombu Dojo, Tokyo.
Those of us who have been privileged to be part of these classes can attest to the inspiring and seemingly effortless skill in which Doshu demonstrates the spirit and energy that epitomises true Aikido.
(Text by: Gordon Jones, Oct 2008 – and approved by Doshu)
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