Association Check List
Requirements for Member Associations with under 18s in membership (also see the Club checklist):
- Be bound by and agree to adopt and implement the policies and procedures contained in the BAB Child Safeguarding Policy and any updates. This requirement extends to individual clubs as well.
- Appoint an Association Child Protection Officer. The ACPO will be responsible for ensuring the implementation of this policy and its procedures within the Association its Clubs. The BAB Lead Safeguarding Officer will liaise with the ACPO.
- Advise the BAB Lead Safeguarding Officer of the names of their CPO and CWOs and keep these details up to date on the BAB web site.
- Report all allegations and/or cases of poor practice and/or abuse to the BAB’s Lead Safeguarding Officer
- Undertake criminal record checks and Barred List checks on eligible persons using the BAB’s checking system.
- Disclose to the BAB if any person is removed from a club because a child has been harmed – or they are concerned that a child may be harmed.
- Ensure only BAB qualified, insured coaches are used to lead aikido sessions and that training venues are also insured for the purpose intended
- Ensure that all training content is appropriately modified for use within junior sessions. (see the BAB Coaching Handbook for additional information). It is strongly recommended from a safeguarding perspective that the use of against the joint locks and/or pain compliance techniques are not included in junior training sessions.
- Ensure that Codes of Conduct are in place in all clubs.
- Ensure the BAB Equality Policy is adhered to and all discrimination is challenged and dealt with appropriately.
- Publicise the BAB Safeguarding Policy and:
- Ensure all individual members and their parents/carers have access to the Policy and know how to disclose or gain advice on child safeguarding matters.
- Ensure all adults working in Clubs are aware of their responsibilities to safeguard the children they have contact with in the sport.
- Provide training opportunities as required for those who have direct contact with children or other specific/designated safeguarding responsibilities
- Ensure that all adults in Associations and clubs with direct responsibility for, or significant contact with, children in Aikido comply with safe recruitment requirements – including criminal records checks where eligible
- Ensure all coaches are regularly informed of the child safeguarding policy and procedures, and when poor practice is observed ensure it is dealt with in an appropriate manner
- Ensure that the “employment” of any person to be in a role with children, whether paid or voluntary is subject to the policy on recruitment included in this document.
- Ensure that children have the opportunity to raise concerns in a safe and proper manner in the knowledge their concerns will be heard and acted upon appropriately and in an acceptable time-scale.
- Ensure that all matters involving children be kept confidential on a need-to-know basis only while ensuring no child is left at risk of harm through failure to pass on information appropriately.
- Ensure that Aikido coaches, officers and adult members accept that they have a duty of care to all children in their club, and act upon that duty appropriately in line with the section on a “Duty of Care” in this document.
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