Supplement 11 to the Coronavirus Guidance – All UK
Supplement 11 to the Coronavirus Guidance – ALL UK
Based upon the latest government statements at this time 2nd November 2020, Unfortunately the BAB can only advise that Aikido Classes in England must follow the rules and close on Wednesday 4th November 2020 .
Quote for the government website:
To reduce social contact, the Government has ordered certain businesses and venues to close. These include:
- indoor and outdoor leisure facilities such as bowling alleys, leisure centres and gyms, sports facilities including swimming pools, golf courses and driving ranges, dance studios, stables and riding centres, soft play facilities, climbing walls and climbing centres, archery and shooting ranges, water and theme parks,
Please check what tier your local area is in.
Please see below a summary of what this framework means for the sport and leisure sector:
- Level 0: All sporting activity permitted, with some general restrictions, such as the wearing of facemasks, physical distancing etc.
- Level 1: No adult (18+) indoor contact sport.
- Level 2: Same as level 1.
- Level 3: No adult (18+) indoor non-contact group sport / exercise or adult (18+) indoor contact sport. No outdoor adult (18+) contact sport.
- Level 4: Indoor sports facilities closed. No outdoor contact sport allowed for any age.
- All levels: Exemptions are applicable for performance/professional sport if a sport has approved ‘Resumption of Performance sport’ guidelines for training or Scottish Government sign off for events/competition.
- Children and Young People are grouped together as under 18s. Previously over 12s were grouped with adults.
All other nations should follow the latest quickly changing statements from your local government sites.
The BAB will post more information as soon as we are provided with it.