Vincent Sumpter was a Chairman of the BAB and the Insurance Officer for many years…

Lancashire Aikikai – Bob Spence
Lancashire Aikikai
It with sadness that we report that Bob Spence died on 14th July. He was Head of our Association from November 1998 when Mucha Sensei the founder died. Spence Sensei has been a huge influence within the Lancashire Aikikai, British Aikido Board (BAB) and beyond.
He regarded both Chiba Sensei and Mucha Sensei as his teacher, mentor and friend.
A unforgettable figure who conducted many coaching courses for the BAB at all levels over many years. He was instrumental in working and fashioning the BAB Coaching Award Scheme from the ground up. Drawing on his experience as a Lecturer, Tutor with the Amateur Swimming Association and his Aikido background. He was appointed by the BAB as its first Coach Tutor in 1992.
We have opened an Appreciation page on our website ( We encourage those who knew or encountered him to share their recollections / appreciation. This page has details of the Funeral that is Thursday 25th July 2024
Andrew Baird
Former BAB CLO who worked closely with Bob
Bob will be sorely missed by many members of the BAB, The Executive Commitee and especially the Coaching Team who worked closely with him over the years.