Supplement 20 to the Coronavirus Guidance – England – Information from Sport England
Latest information as of Monday 8th March 2021
Aikido Classes ( Including Under 18’s)
Currently Indoor and Outdoor group exercise classes like Aikido STILL CANNOT take place.
Steve Billett has been in constant touch with SportEngland and the DCMS concerning our ‘Return to the Dojo’ submittal.
We have been advised that currently the Combat Sport Framework of which Aikido is included has the following minimum time scales.
• From the 8th March – connected to the DfE guidance and SportEngland soon to be released FAQs, schools can deliver curricular / extra-curricular activities (using clubs and external coaches that align to the DfE guidance) however for combat sports, this will be socially distance activities.
• From 29th March – outdoor organised sport and outdoor facilities can open – and we are awaiting cabinet office clarity on what this means for the Combat Sport Framework and what can be done outdoors and what phase this will align to.
We are asking if this means we can train in a park and is it limited to a group of 6 socially distance.
• Step 2 (no earlier than 12th April) – Indoor facilities can open for individual use / household only , All children activities can restart indoors (but we are awaiting what this means for the combat sport framework, and what phase this will align to)
• Step 3 (no earlier than 17th May) – Organised indoor adult sport can restart (awaiting what this means for the combat sport framework, and what phase this will align to)
As soon as we have more information it will be posted here.