Supplement 1 to the Coronavirus Guidance – Mat Area.
Supplement 1 to the Coronavirus Guidance – Mat Area
A pod is a group of people who are training together including the coach, also spectators, parents, carers; if they are in the dojo and within 2 meters of the training area should be considered part of the pod maximum number. Individuals must only be part of a single pod at a venue.
Mat Area Capacity for socially distanced Aikido:
The coach and COVID-19 Officer has the responsibility to ensure that spacing guidelines are not compromised in any way, the mat ratio’s that the British Aikido Board are working to are a minimum mat space per participant of 2m x 2m but a preferred 3m x 3m shoulder be considered where possible.
The number of Aikidoka on a single mat area at one time will be dependent on the size of your mat area. It is recommended that the maximum number of participants in a session are 15 club members (one pod).
A Session Square for the pod coach is included for the coach.
The mat area will not always fit the geometry of dividing it up exactly into 2m x 2m areas (3m x 3m would be safer if you have enough space),
Aikido Session Management:
Venues where there is 1 meter or more of clear space all-round the mat:
- All aikidoka should stay within their designated session square of mat and, unless otherwise directed by the coach,:
- Use/stay in the centre part of the session square. If possible,
- All session squares must have the opportunity for the individual to leave the mat without compromising anyone else’s social distancing, this may need additional spacing where mat edges are up against obstructions.
Venues without at least 1 m of clear walking space around the mat:
- All on mat disciplines remain the same as sessions having peripheral walk areas.
- Additional processes will be required to facilitate the start and end processes as mats against walls will not facilitate walking around other participants operational areas at safe distancing.
The coach must ensure that participants social distancing is maintained, this is a matter of:
- Maintaining discipline during the session.
- A fully effective start and end process when participants are outside of their session square.
- Injury / medical attention process