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British Aikido Board

The National Governing Body for Aikido in the United Kingdom.
Aikido is a martial art founded by Morihei Ueshiba, that focuses on harmonising with your opponent, it can be practised as a sport, self defence and an art using hand to hand and japanese weapons.

Welcome to the British Aikido Board

The British Aikido Board seeks to:-

  • Represent the majority of bona fide organisations practicing aikido in the United Kingdom.
  • Support, encourage and promote the highest standards of aikido within an environment of mutual respect for offering styles practiced.
  • Raise awareness of the value of aikido not only as a contributor towards healthy living, but also in the development of adults, young people and children, without regard to race, gender or creed.

The British Aikido Board operates primarily through its member Associations. There are 55 currently Full Member Associations with 0 Associate and Probationary Member Associations of regional and national status, who each retain their independence, both technically and financially, with a combined membership of some 5,000 , which includes 1243 instructors holding current Coaching Awards.

The Board is recognised by Sport England , as the only governing body for aikido in the United Kingdom and is a member of the Sport and Recreation Alliance.


The Board seeks to further the advancement of all styles of aikido and to establish and monitor standards of safety and behaviour for practitioners of aikido.

The Board advises member Associations on all relevant UK and European legislation and procedures and develops appropriate policies and codes of practice.

Other services provided include:-
•  Insurance cover, for members, instructors and Associations.
•  Promotion of a Nationally recognised Coaching Scheme in conjunction with UK Coaching / Sport England.
•  Organising a National Courses.
•  Supporting initiatives to encourage the teaching of Aikido in schools.
•  Publishing Newsletters and specialist information bulletins eg. Safeguarding and Coaching.

The Board has completed a number of initiatives, arising from the work of their major Governance Audit and through the adoption of a wide range of recommendations, contained in their Aikido Development Plan will support their key objective of encouraging all Aikido groups to join together under this “Aikido umbrella”.

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  • Entering Amazon from here before you purchase ensures the BAB is supported by Amazon.

  • Entering Amazon from here before you purchase ensures the BAB is supported by Amazon.

  • Entering Amazon from here before you purchase ensures the BAB is supported by Amazon.

Resignation of the BAB Chairman and Vice-Chairman 8th August 2020

Open Letter to the British Aikido Board by Chairman and Vice Chairman

It was with great regret that on 8th August we found it necessary to resign from our appointments on the British Aikido Board

This decision was not taken lightly as both of us joined the Board because of our commitment to the promotion and development of aikido.

Unfortunately, however, in recent months we have found certain elements have shown a distinct lack of understanding of the Board’s professed core value of harmony and we have been wrongly accused, on a number of occasions, of power seeking and the flouting of constitutional processes.

Whilst we have for many years been willing to commit a major amount of our time, on a voluntary basis, to support the work of the Board, we are not prepared to accept unwarranted attacks on our character.

We were advised that these allegations were to be taken to the forthcoming AGM, in the form of a personal attack on the Chairman and whilst we believe we have been able to show conclusively to the Executive Committee that there is no substance to any of the allegations, we feel that the prospect of an inevitable major confrontation at the AGM could only do harm to the future of the Board, at a time when as we fight back from the impact of COV-id 19, unity is paramount.

This decision is also set against disillusionment with a background of high expectations from our membership, yet an almost total apathy towards actively supporting the work of the Board. What often gets forgotten when people complain is that the Board is unique amongst National Governing Bodies, in that it relies totally on voluntary effort and operates through its member Associations rather than directly with its membership.  

Having both given many years’ service to the Board we look back with satisfaction at what we have helped achieve and hope that the opportunity now presented to enable “fresh leadership” will help to drive the Board forward. However, if the Board is to achieve its objectives, particularly promoting the values of Aikido and ensuring that as the NGB it sets the highest standards then in must be adequately resourced and this will not happen without a realistic income, which needs to come, at least initially from its membership.

We remain strong supporters of the Board and will continue to be available to offer informal advice and assistance if needed.


Keith Holland                                                                                 Leslie Cuthbert

Chairman                                                                                        Vice Chairman

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