Coronavirus Update for Aikidoka 31st July 2020
To: All BAB Members
Following the Government announcement of the re-opening of Sports Centres, in England, on 25th July, and initial advice that non contact training could then be resumed, Guidelines were finalised to support the re-opening of BAB Clubs.
Unfortunately, however, at the last minute the Sport England Contact Sport Group, which is made up of the appropriate National Governing Bodies, was advised that the Department for Digital Culture Media and Sport had not given approval to the resumption of training Martial Art in-doors.
Since the DCMS statement; the Group have been working on a submission to the Secretary of State, both on the initial resumption of training and also how we might move to a level of direct contact. It is hoped that this will result in a uniform approach, with any return to training implemented through the respective NGB’s.
In addition a direct submission has been made by the BAB to the DCMS requesting them to allow the resumption of non-contact Aikido.
We will however keep BAB members informed of any change in the position for clubs in England and are keeping a watching brief on the situation in the other devolved administrations.
Keith Holland
(Chairman. British Aikido Board)