Vincent Sumpter was a Chairman of the BAB and the Insurance Officer for many years…
Sport England – Community Emergency Fund
Sport England – Community Emergency Fund April 2020
Dear Fellow Aikidoka
We are aware that many Clubs will be adversely affected by having to close down, at least temporarily, due to the coronavirus and some will experience significant financial hardship.
I would therefore like to bring to your attention the Community Emergency Fund initiated by Sport England to help community, sport and physical activity organisations who are experiencing short term financial hardship or the ceasing of operations due to the current crisis.
Who can apply:
• Any organisation delivering community sport and physical activity
• Regional or county level organisations who have already paid out funds for activities that are now cancelled and are not able to reclaim or get funding from elsewhere. E.g a club has paid utility bills and other costs for their facilities when no activity is taking place.
How Much Funding is Available:
• £20 million has been allocated to the fund
• Awards will be between £300 and £10000
• Applications will only be considered when other possible sources of government funding have been exhausted.
• Rent
• Utility costs
• Insurances
• Facility & Hire of Equipment
• Core Staffing Costs
• Retrospective losses dating from 1st March 2020
Full details including funding criteria can be found on the Sport England website
Please let us know if you make a successful application, as this will encourage others.
Keith Holland