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British Aikido Board

The National Governing Body for Aikido in the United Kingdom.
Aikido is a martial art founded by Morihei Ueshiba, that focuses on harmonising with your opponent, it can be practised as a sport, self defence and an art using hand to hand and japanese weapons.

Welcome to the British Aikido Board

The British Aikido Board seeks to:-

  • Represent the majority of bona fide organisations practicing aikido in the United Kingdom.
  • Support, encourage and promote the highest standards of aikido within an environment of mutual respect for offering styles practiced.
  • Raise awareness of the value of aikido not only as a contributor towards healthy living, but also in the development of adults, young people and children, without regard to race, gender or creed.

The British Aikido Board operates primarily through its member Associations. There are 47 currently Full Member Associations with 1 Associate and Probationary Member Associations of regional and national status, who each retain their independence, both technically and financially, with a combined membership of some 5,000 , which includes 1245 instructors holding current Coaching Awards.

The Board is recognised by Sport England , as the only governing body for aikido in the United Kingdom and is a member of the Sport and Recreation Alliance.


The Board seeks to further the advancement of all styles of aikido and to establish and monitor standards of safety and behaviour for practitioners of aikido.

The Board advises member Associations on all relevant UK and European legislation and procedures and develops appropriate policies and codes of practice.

Other services provided include:-
•  Insurance cover, for members, instructors and Associations.
•  Promotion of a Nationally recognised Coaching Scheme in conjunction with UK Coaching / Sport England.
•  Organising a National Courses.
•  Supporting initiatives to encourage the teaching of Aikido in schools.
•  Publishing Newsletters and specialist information bulletins eg. Safeguarding and Coaching.

The Board has completed a number of initiatives, arising from the work of their major Governance Audit and through the adoption of a wide range of recommendations, contained in their Aikido Development Plan will support their key objective of encouraging all Aikido groups to join together under this “Aikido umbrella”.

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British Aikido Board

The National Governing Body for Aikido in the United Kingdom.
Aikido is a martial art founded by Morihei Ueshiba, that focuses on harmonising with your opponent, it can be practiced as a sport, self defence and an art using hand to hand and japanese weapons.

Parents: How to raise a complaint

If you have a concern or complaint then you need to act. Initially we advise you to contact the club concerned.

  • ‘Concerns’ can often be dealt with informally within the club. Hopefully after a discussion with the relevant people they can be resolved to everyone’s satisfaction.
  • ‘Complaints’ differ to ‘concerns’ in as much as they are subject to a more formal procedure i.e. cannot be easily resolved by a general chat within the club. It might be, for example, that the concern is about someone ‘in charge’ – or you have tried to resolve it locally without any success

This section concerns complaints from parents which cannot be resolved at club level. The nominated person appointed to deal with complaints is the BAB Lead Safeguarding Officer.

The procedure is staged and our hope is that issues will be resolved quickly and informally. However, the policy also provides a clear procedure that can be followed in situations where a parent/carer feels this has not been possible.

There are three possible stages:

Stage 1 – Informal Procedure

If there is any aspect of your child’s time within a BAB Club that you are not happy with (and that you cannot resolve locally) please contact us immediately and we will endeavour to arrive at a resolution that is satisfactory for all involved.

If a resolution is not found within 10 working days then you may wish to proceed to stage 2.

Stage 2 – Formal Procedure

If the issue cannot be resolved using Stage 1, you should make your complaint in writing to the BAB Lead Safeguarding Officer (please include an email address and telephone number). Upon receipt of a written complaint we will endeavour to contact you within 7 working days to acknowledge receipt of letter and inform you of the procedure that we will follow in order to resolve the complaint.

The BAB Lead Safeguarding Officer will need to discuss the matter with relevant staff and/or students to carry out necessary investigations and give the matter full and detailed consideration with the input of senior colleagues. The outcome of this will be communicated in writing within 21 working days and will offer reasoning alongside proposed or taken actions. Written records will be kept of all aspects of the investigation/complaint and will be held in accordance with the BAB’s data handling policy.

If the parent/carer is not satisfied with the decision arising from Stage 2, they should proceed to stage 3

Stage 3 – Independent Panel Hearing

Complainants who are not satisfied by the Stage 2 of the BAB’s Complaint Handling procedure must write to the BAB Chairperson within 10 working days and request that the complaint be further considered by an independent panel.

On receipt of this letter the BAB Chairperson will be responsible for the appointment of a panel to consider the matter further. The panel will consist of 3 people not directly involved in the matter, e.g. Trustees, Executive Committee members). You may be asked to contribute further to this meeting (by phone or Skype or in person).

Minutes will be taken by the Chair of the panel and parents/ carers will be notified within 21 working days of the result of this meeting.

All contact details can be found on the BAB website.

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  • Entering Amazon from here before you purchase ensures the BAB is supported by Amazon.

  • Entering Amazon from here before you purchase ensures the BAB is supported by Amazon.

  • Entering Amazon from here before you purchase ensures the BAB is supported by Amazon.

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