What is Equity and Diversity
The British Aikido Board has collated and compiled this data from information that is already in the public domain. Whilst the information provided on this web page has been provided in good faith it should not be deemed as formal advice or recommendation of any kind.
The British Aikido Board does not guarantee the accuracy or validity of the information contained herein and accepts no responsibility for any direct or indirect or other consequential losses incurred as a result of the use or reliance of any information.
Equal opportunities – is about the law and how it is applied in addressing barriers which individuals might face in accessing training, employment and access to services. The law only intervenes when it is clear that legislation is the only way to deal with discriminatory acts. Equal opportunity therefore, is about ensuring training, employment practices and access to services are fair and free from discrimination and harassment. Currently legislation encompasses gender, race, disability, religion and faith, age and sexual orientation
Equality – is the state of being equal – treating individuals equally, which does not necessarily mean treating them the same. In some cases the need for equality may require unequal effort to ensure the principle of equality is achieved.
Sports equity – is about fairness in sporting activities, equality of access, recognising inequalities and taking steps to address them. It is about changing the culture and structure of sporting activities to ensure that it becomes equally accessible to everyone in society (Sport England 2000).
Diversity – Recognising, valuing and respecting the diversity of each individual. Diversity encompasses visible and non visible individual differences. They may include, but not limited to differences protected by anti discrimination legislation
Positive action – Is allowed under legislation to redress imbalances between under represented groups of employees. It allows employers to provide targeted training to under represented groups. And to encourage applications from groups that are under represented in particular areas of work.
Equity and Diversity and Aikido – Is vital to the growth of the art. Being responsive the needs and requirements of all students will make clubs and associations alike more flexible and accessible.
Copyright © The BAB 2008-2025, All Rights Reserved No part of this website or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied, modified or adapted, without the prior written consent of the BAB, unless otherwise indicated, for stand-alone materials. |
Title | Version | Upload Date | Select |
Equity and Diversity |
BAB Equality and Diversity Toolkit | V.1.2012 | 06-07-2012 | |
BAB Equality Policy 2024 | May 2024 | 28-05-2024 | |
BAB Transgender Competition Policy | May 2024 | 28-05-2024 | |
BAB Womans Aikido Participation Toolkit | July 2012 | 06-07-2012 | |
IOC-Framework-Fairness-Inclusion-Non-discrimination-2021 | IOC 2012 | 28-05-2024 |