Testimonials from BAB Member Associations
United Kingdom Shinwakai
The United Kingdom Shinwakai testimonial will be here soon
Aikido For Daily Life
We joined the BAB for several reasons:
1) To be a part of the wider aikido community. Which would enable us to practice with and learn from other aikido teachers, styles and practices.
2) To benefit from the excellent CL1 coaching certification
3) To get the protection of the martial arts insurance, together with the venue insurance and also the teachers indemnity
4) To be able to quickly download best practice recommendations with regard to Child Protection, Vulnerable adult protection, GDPR, data protection. This saves our clubs and Association a huge amount of time.
5) We wanted to be a part of the official governing body, as this has wide spread recognition with local councils etc
6) To participate in the annual national aikido and weapons events.
7) To ensure that we are always kept up to date with best club and association practice.
8) To benefit from our presence on the BAB web site